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The Kidz Africa Team

Bringing Hope and a Future

Community and Rural Development. Mentoring Future Generations. Life Skills using Sport, Adventure & The Performing Arts. Skills Development.

About Kidz Africa

Kidz Africa is an organization founded in 1995, using sport, adventure and the performing arts as a life skills tool to mentor the future generations, bringing hope and a future.

At-risk youth and kids from rural villages, townships and disadvantaged communities, are the primary focus. 

The aim is to develop effective young people, by coaching and mentoring around character, discipline and respect, creating effective adults, who are Africa’s future leaders.

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Get Involved

Find out how you can be involved, whether from afar or hands on within our programs.

Current Programs & Projects

Kidz Africa Namibia

The Kidz Africa Namibia project, launched it’s pilot project, in the Kavango East region in April 2018. Talks are taking place, to expand the program to other rural regions in Namibia.


Kidz Africa graduates who are now young adults, are mentored and assisted with the everyday hurdles and challenges that young people need to face when becoming an adult.

Kidz Africa South Africa

Kidz Africa runs projects/programs and partners with various orginisations within South Africa in the Western Cape and Kwa-Zulu-Natal


Want to Volunteer? Come on an outreach...

Intentional Travel is the “vehicle” that Kidz Africa uses to set up the Volunteer Program/Service Learning & Tours etc, for people wanting to come and serve and be part of the Kidz Africa Rural Development Sport & Life Skills programs. It’s an African Experience, in the Rural and Off the Beaten Track parts of South Africa/Namibia/Africa, and serves as a way to generate financial support for the Kidz Africa programs.

We are a registered NPC and PBO

Together we can bring
Hope & a Future